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Policy API

The Okta Policy API enables an administrator to perform Policy and Policy Rule operations. The Policy framework is used by Okta to control Rules and settings that govern, among other things, user session lifetime, whether multi-factor authentication is required when logging in, what MFA factors may be employed, password complexity requirements, what types of self-service operations are permitted under various circumstances, and what identity provider to route users to.

Policy settings for a particular Policy type, such as Sign On Policy, consist of one or more Policy objects, each of which contains one or more Policy Rules. Policies and Rules contain conditions that determine whether they're applicable to a particular user at a particular time.

The Policy API supports the following Policy operations:

  • Get all policies of a specific type
  • Create, read, update, and delete a Policy
  • Get all apps assigned to a specific policy
  • Activate and deactivate a Policy

The Policy API supports the following Rule operations:

  • Get all Rules for a Policy
  • Create, read, update, and delete a Rule for a Policy
  • Activate and deactivate a Rule

Note: Some of the curl code examples on this page include SSWS API token authentication. However, Okta recommends using scoped OAuth 2.0 and OIDC access tokens to authenticate with Okta management APIs. OAuth 2.0 and OIDC access tokens provide fine-grain control over the bearer's actions on specific endpoints. See Okta API authentication methods.

Get started

Explore the Policy API: Run in Postman (opens new window)

Policy API operations

Get a Policy

GET /api/v1/policies/${policyId}

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example

HTTP 200: Policy object

Get a Policy with Rules

GET /api/v1/policies/${policyId}?expand=rules

For Okta Classic Engine orgs only. Retrieves a policy and its associated rules. For Okta Identity Engine, see List Policy Rules.

Request parameters
  • The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.
  • The expand=rules query parameter returns up to twenty Rules for the specified Policy. If the Policy has more than 20 Rules, this request returns an error.
Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 200: Policy object

Included as embedded objects, one or more Policy Rules.

List all Policies by type

GET /api/v1/policies?type=${type}

Request parameters
Parameter Description Param Type DataType Required
type The Policy type described in the Policy object URL String TRUE
status Refines the query by status of the policy: ACTIVE or INACTIVE URL String FALSE
q Refines the query by policy name prefix (startWith method) URL String FALSE
sortBy Refines the query by sorting on name in ascending order URL String FALSE
limit The number of policies returned, see Pagination URL String FALSE
after End page cursor for pagination, see Pagination URL String FALSE
Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 200: Policy object

Delete Policy

DELETE /api/v1/policies/${policyId}

Request parameters

The policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X DELETE \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: No Content

Update a Policy

PUT /api/v1/policies/${policyId}

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "type": "OKTA_SIGN_ON",
  "id": "00plrilJ7jZ66Gn0X0g3",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "name": "Default Policy",
  "description": "The default policy applies in all situations if no other policy applies.",
  "priority": 1,
  "conditions": {
    "people": {
      "groups": {
        "include": [
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/policies/${policyId}"
Response types

HTTP 200: Policy object

Create a Policy

POST /api/v1/policies

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "type": "OKTA_SIGN_ON",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "name": "Default Policy",
  "description": "The default policy applies in all situations if no other policy applies.",
  "conditions": {
    "people": {
      "groups": {
        "include": [
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/policies"
Response types

HTTP 204: Policy object

Clone a Policy

Identity Engine

Note: This feature is only available as a part of the Identity Engine. Contact support (opens new window) for information on the Identity Engine.

Note: Within the Identity Engine, this feature is only supported for authentication policies.

POST /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/clone

Request parameters

The policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: Policy object

Activate a Policy

POST /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/lifecycle/activate

Request parameters

The policy id described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: No Content is returned when the activation is successful.

Deactivate a Policy

POST /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/lifecycle/deactivate

Request parameters

The policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: No Content is returned when the deactivation is successful.

Policy mapping operations

List applications

GET /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/app


Retrieves a list of applications mapped to a policy

Note: To retrieve a list of applications mapped to a policy, use List all resources mapped to a Policy (opens new window). If you need to assign an application to a specific policy, use the Update application policy operation of the Apps API.

Note: To assign an application to a specific policy, use the Update application policy operation of the Apps API.

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 200: Array of Application objects

Policy simulation operations

Identity Engine

Note: This feature is only available as a part of the Identity Engine. For information on the Identity Engine, contact support (opens new window).

Access simulation

The access simulation API is an admin API that evaluates policy and policy rules based on the existing policy rule configuration. The evaluation result simulates what the real world authentication flow is and what policy rules have been applied or matched to the authentication flow.

POST /api/v1/policies/simulate


The section below explains the request parameters and the properties inside the request body.

Request parameters
Parameter Type Description
expand String (Optional) Use expand=EVALUATED to include a list of evaluated but not matched policy and policy rules. Use expand=RULE to include details about why a rule condition was (not) matched.
Request Body
Property Type Description
policyTypes Array (Optional) Supported PolicyTypes for simulation: OKTA_SIGN_ON, MFA_ENROLL, PROFILE_ENROLLMENT, ACCESS_POLICY. Default null, return all types
appInstance String (Required) The appInstance ID for this simulation String (Required) The userId for this simulation. Only userId or groupIds allowed, not both
policyContext.groups.ids Array (Required) The groupIds for this simulation. Only userId or groupIds allowed, not both
policyContext.ip String (Optional) The network rule condition, zone, or IP address. See Network Condition
policyContext.zones.ids String (Optional) The zone ID under the network rule condition. See Network Condition
policyContext.risk String (Optional) The risk rule condition: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH. See Risk Score Condition
policyContext.device.managed Boolean (Optional) If the device is registered. See Device Condition
policyContext.device.registered Boolean (Optional) If the device is managed. See Device Condition
policyContext.device.platform String (Optional) The platform of the device, for example: IOS. See Platform Condition
policyContext.device.assuranceId String (Optional) The device assurance policy ID for the simulation
Request example

Note: You can only evaluate user or groups not both, and either ip or zone.ids, not both. Use the following payload for reference only.

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '
    "policyTypes": ["OKTA_SIGN_ON", "MFA_ENROLL"],
    "appInstance": "0oa4eroj3nYCIJIW70g7",
    "policyContext": {
        "groups": {
            "ids": [
              "00g4eralvekR5RLuS0g7", "00g4eralvekR5RLuS0g8"
        "risk": {
            "level": "LOW"
        "zones": {
          "ids": [
        "device": {
            "platform": "IOS",
            "registered": true,
            "managed": true
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/policies/simulate?expand=EVALUATED&expand=RULE"


The following response section explains the error responses and the response body.

Response Body
Property Type Description
policyType String The policy type we are simulating
id String ID of the specified policy/rule type
name String Policy name or policy rule name
status ENUM (MATCH, NOT_MATCH, UNDEFINED) The result of this entity evaluation
conditions Array List of all condition that involved for this rule/policy evaluation
conditions.type String The type of this condition
name String Policy name or policy rule name
conditions.status ENUM(MATCH, NOT_MATCH, UNDEFINED) The result of this condition evaluation
undefined Object A list of undefined but not matched policy/rules
evaluated Object A list of evaluated but not matched policy/rules
Response example

HTTP 200:

    "evaluation": [
            "status": null,
            "policyType": "OKTA_SIGN_ON",
            "result": {
                "policies": [
                        "id": "00p4eromwukk6qUku0g7",
                        "name": "test policy",
                        "status": "MATCH",
                        "conditions": [],
                        "rules": [
                                "id": "0pr4erof85nGcyC7Y0g7",
                                "name": "test rule",
                                "status": "MATCH",
                                "conditions": [
                                        "type": "people.groups.include",
                                        "status": "MATCH"
            "undefined": {
                "policies": []
            "evaluated": {
                "policies": []
            "status": null,
            "policyType": "MFA_ENROLL",
            "result": {
                "policies": [
                        "id": "00p4eram2kw1aLcrx0g7",
                        "name": "Default Policy",
                        "status": "MATCH",
                        "conditions": [],
                        "rules": [
                                "id": "0pr4eram2lMQT5FZF0g7",
                                "name": null,
                                "status": "MATCH",
                                "conditions": []
            "undefined": {
                "policies": []
            "evaluated": {
                "policies": []
            "status": null,
            "policyType": "ACCESS_POLICY",
            "result": {
                "policies": [
                        "id": "rst4eram06ZKZewEe0g7",
                        "name": "Any two factors",
                        "status": "MATCH",
                        "conditions": [],
                        "rules": [
                                "id": "rul4eram07VsWgybo0g7",
                                "name": "Catch-all Rule",
                                "status": "MATCH",
                                "conditions": []
            "undefined": {
                "policies": []
            "evaluated": {
                "policies": []
            "status": null,
            "policyType": "PROFILE_ENROLLMENT",
            "result": {
                "policies": [
                        "id": "rst4eram08ZSjPTOl0g7",
                        "name": "Default Policy",
                        "status": "MATCH",
                        "conditions": [],
                        "rules": [
                                "id": "rul4eram094PrQ2BX0g7",
                                "name": "Catch-all Rule",
                                "status": "MATCH",
                                "conditions": []
            "undefined": {
                "policies": []
            "evaluated": {
                "policies": []

Rules operations

List Policy Rules

GET /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 200: Rules object

Create a Rule

POST /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "type": "SIGN_ON",
  "name": "New Policy Rule",
  "conditions": {
    "people": {
      "users": {
        "exclude": []
    "network": {
      "connection": "ZONE",
      "include": [
    "authContext": {
      "authType": "ANY"
  "actions": {
    "signon": {
      "access": "ALLOW"
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules"
Response types

HTTP 200: Rules object

Delete a Rule

DELETE /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X DELETE \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: No Content

Get a Rule

GET /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}

Request parameters

The policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 200: Rules object

Update a Rule

PUT /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}

Request parameters

The policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "type": "PASSWORD",
  "name": "My Updated Policy Rule",
  "conditions": {
    "people": {
      "users": {
        "exclude": []
    "network": {
      "connection": "ZONE",
      "include": [
    "authContext": {
      "authType": "ANY"
  "actions": {
    "signon": {
      "access": "DENY"
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}"
Response types

HTTP 200: Rules object

Activate a Rule

POST /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}/lifecycle/activate

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: No content

Deactivate a Rule

POST /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}/lifecycle/deactivate

Request parameters

The Policy ID described in the Policy object is required.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response types

HTTP 204: No content


Policy evaluation

When a Policy needs to be retrieved for a particular user, for example when the user attempts to sign in to Okta, or when the user initiates a self-service operation, then a Policy evaluation takes place. During Policy evaluation each Policy of the appropriate type is considered in turn, in the order indicated by the Policy priority. Each of the conditions associated with the Policy is evaluated. If one or more of the conditions can't be met, then the next Policy in the list is considered. If the conditions can be met, then each of the Rules associated with the Policy is considered in turn, in the order specified by the Rule priority. Each of the conditions associated with a given Rule is evaluated. If all of the conditions associated with a Rule are met, then the settings contained in the Rule, and in the associated Policy, are applied to the user. If none of the Policy Rules have conditions that can be met, then the next Policy in the list is considered.

Policies that have no Rules aren't considered during evaluation and are never applied.

Policy types

Different Policy types control settings for different operations. All Policy types share a common framework, message structure, and API, but have different Policy settings and Rule data. The data structures specific to each Policy type are discussed in the various sections below.

Policy priority and defaults

Default Policies

There is always a default Policy created for each type of Policy. The default Policy applies to new applications by default or any users for whom other Policies in the Okta org don't apply. This ensures that there is always a Policy to apply to a user in all situations.

  • A default Policy is required and can't be deleted.
  • New applications (other than Office365, Radius, and MFA) are assigned to the default Policy.
  • The default Policy is always the last Policy in the priority order. Any added Policies of this type have higher priority than the default Policy.
  • The default Policy always has one default Rule that can't be deleted. It is always the last Rule in the priority order. If you add Rules to the default Policy, they have a higher priority than the default Rule. For information on default Rules, see Rules object and defaults.
  • The system attribute determines whether a Policy is created by a system or by a user.

Policy priorities

Policies are ordered numerically by priority. This priority determines the order in which they are evaluated for a context match. The highest priority Policy has a priority of 1.

For example, assume the following Policies exist.

  • Policy A has priority 1 and applies to members of the "Administrators" group.
  • Policy B has priority 2 and applies to members of the "Everyone" group.

When a Policy is evaluated for a user, Policy "A" is evaluated first. If the user is a member of the "Administrators" group, then the Rules associated with Policy "A" are evaluated. If a match is found, then the Policy settings are applied. If the user isn't a member of the "Administrators" group, then Policy B is evaluated.

Policy JSON example (global session policy)

    "type": "OKTA_SIGN_ON",
    "id": "00pmez6igjv4TYOLl0g3",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "name": "Sales Policy",
    "description": "Policy for Sales Department",
    "priority": 1,
    "system": false,
    "conditions": {
      "people": {
        "groups": {
          "include": [
    "created": "2017-01-11T18:53:00.000Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2017-01-11T18:53:00.000Z",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "",
        "hints": {
          "allow": [
      "deactivate": {
        "href": "",
        "hints": {
          "allow": [
      "rules": {
        "href": "",
        "hints": {
          "allow": [

Policy object

The Policy object defines several attributes:

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
id Identifier of the Policy String No Assigned
type Specifies the type of Policy. Valid values: OKTA_SIGN_ON, PASSWORD, MFA_ENROLL, or IDP_DISCOVERY.

Identity Engine
Note: The following policy types are available only with the Identity Engine: ACCESS_POLICY, PROFILE_ENROLLMENT, CONTINUOUS_ACCESS, and ENTITY_RISK.
Contact support (opens new window) for more information on the Identity Engine.
String Yes
name Name of the Policy String Yes
system This is set to true on system policies, which cannot be deleted. Boolean No false
description Description of the Policy. String No Null
priority Priority of the Policy Int No Last / Lowest Priority
status Status of the Policy: ACTIVE or INACTIVE String No ACTIVE
conditions Conditions for Policy Conditions object No
settings Settings for Policy Policy Settings object No
created Timestamp when the Policy was created Date No Assigned
lastUpdated Timestamp when the Policy was last modified Date No Assigned
_links Hyperlinks Links object No

Policy Settings object

The Policy Settings object contains the Policy level settings for the particular Policy type. Not all Policy types have Policy-level settings. For example, in a Password Policy the settings object contains, among other items, the password complexity settings. In a Sign On Policy, on the other hand, there are no Policy-level settings. All of the Policy data is contained in the Rules. Each Policy type section explains the settings objects specific to that type.

Conditions object

The Conditions object specifies the conditions that must be met during Policy evaluation to apply the Policy in question. All Policy conditions, as well as conditions for at least one Rule must be met to apply the settings specified in the Policy and the associated Rule. Policies and Rules may contain different conditions depending on the Policy type. The conditions that can be used with a particular Policy depend on the Policy type. See conditions.

Specifies Link relations (see Web Linking (opens new window) available for the current Policy. The Links object is used for dynamic discovery of related resources. The Links object is read-only.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
self The Policy or Rule String Yes
activate Action to activate a Policy or Rule (present if the Rule is currently inactive) String Yes
deactivate Action to deactivate a Policy or Rule (present if the Rule is currently active) String Yes
rules Action to retrieve the Rules objects for the given Policy String Yes
mappings Action to retrieve the links to Policy mappings String Yes


Each Policy may contain one or more Rules. Rules, like Policies, contain conditions that must be satisfied for the Rule to be applied.

Rule priority and defaults

Default Rules

  • Only the default Policy contains a default Rule. In Okta Classic Engine, you can't delete or edit default rules. In Okta Identity Engine, you can't delete default rules, but can edit them except for:
    • The properties maxSessionLifetimeMinutes and usePersistentCookie of the default Global session policy's default rule, which are read-only.
    • The default rules on the Authenticator Enrollment policy and the Identity Provider Routing, which are also read-only.
  • The default Rule is required and always is the last Rule in the priority order. If you add Rules to the default Policy, they have a higher priority than the default Rule.
  • The system attribute determines whether a Rule is created by a system or by a user. The default Rule is the only Rule that has this attribute.

Rule priority

Like Policies, Rules have a priority that govern the order that they are considered during evaluation. The highest priority Rule has a priority of 1. For example, if a particular Policy had two Rules:

  • Rule A has priority 1 and applies to LDAP API scenarios.
  • Rule B has priority 2 and applies to ANYWHERE (network connection) scenarios.

If a request came in from the LDAP endpoint, the action in Rule A is taken, and Rule B isn't evaluated. This occurs because even though requests coming from anywhere match the ANYWHERE location condition of Rule B, Rule A has higher priority and is evaluated first.

Rules message example (Password Policy)

    "type": "PASSWORD",
    "id": "0prlmqTXCzP5SegYJ0g3",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "name": "Legacy Rule",
    "priority": 1,
    "created": "2017-01-10T21:42:22.000Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2017-01-10T21:42:22.000Z",
    "system": false,
    "conditions": {
      "people": {
        "users": {
          "exclude": []
      "network": {
        "connection": "ANYWHERE"
    "actions": {
      "passwordChange": {
        "access": "ALLOW"
      "selfServicePasswordReset": {
        "access": "ALLOW"
      "selfServiceUnlock": {
        "access": "DENY"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "",
        "hints": {
          "allow": [
      "deactivate": {
        "href": "",
        "hints": {
          "allow": [

Rules object

The Rules object defines several attributes:

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
id Identifier of the Rule String No Assigned
type Rule type. Valid values: SIGN_ON, PASSWORD, MFA_ENROLL, and IDP_DISCOVERY.

Identity Engine
Note: The following policy types are available only with the Identity Engine: ACCESS_POLICY, PROFILE_ENROLLMENT, CONTINUOUS_ACCESS, and ENTITY_RISK.
Contact support (opens new window) for more information on the Identity Engine.

String (Enum) Yes
name Name of the Rule String Yes
status Status of the Rule: ACTIVE or INACTIVE String (Enum) No ACTIVE
priority Priority of the Rule Integer No Last / Lowest Priority
system This is set to true on system Rules, which you can't delete. Boolean No false
created Timestamp when the Rule was created Date No Assigned
lastUpdated Timestamp when the Rule was last modified Date No Assigned
conditions Conditions for a Rule Conditions object No
actions Actions for Rule Rules Actions Objects No
_links Hyperlinks Links object No

Actions objects

Just as Policies contain settings, Rules contain "Actions" that typically specify actions to be taken, or operations that may be allowed, if the Rule conditions are satisfied. For example, in a Password Policy, Rule actions govern whether self-service operations such as reset password or unlock are permitted (see Password Rules Action data). Just as different Policy types have different settings, Rules have different actions depending on the type of Policy that they belong to.

Conditions object

The Conditions object specifies the conditions that must be met during Policy evaluation to apply the Rule in question. All Policy conditions, as well as conditions for at least one Rule must be met to apply the settings specified in the Policy and the associated Rule. Policies and Rules may contain different conditions depending on the Policy type. The conditions that can be used with a particular Policy depend on the Policy type. See conditions.

Specifies link relations (see Web Linking (opens new window)) available for the current Rule. The Links object is used for dynamic discovery of related resources. The Links object is read-only.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
self The Policy or Rule String Yes
activate Action to activate the Rule (present if the Rules is currently inactive) String Yes
deactivate Action to deactivate the Rule (present if the Rule is currently active) String Yes


People Condition object

The People Condition identifies Users and Groups that are used together. For Policies, you can only include a Group.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
groups The Groups condition Group Condition object Yes
users The Users condition User Condition object Yes
User Condition object

Specifies a set of Users to be included or excluded

Parameter Description Data Type Required
include The Users to be included Array Yes
exclude The Users to be excluded Array Yes
Group Condition object

Specifies a set of Groups whose Users are to be included or excluded

Parameter Description Data Type Required
include The Groups to be included Array Yes
exclude The Groups to be excluded Array Yes

People Condition object example

  "people": {
    "users": {
      "exclude": [
    "groups": {
      "include": [

UserType Condition object

Identity Engine

Specifies which User Types to include and/or exclude. You can use the User Types API to manage User Types.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
include The User Types to be included Array Yes
exclude The User Types to be excluded Array Yes

UserType Condition object example

  "userType": {
    "include": [
    "exclude": [

AuthContext Condition object

Specifies an authentication entry point

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
authType Specifies how the user is authenticated ANY or LDAP_INTERFACE No ANY

Note: The LDAP_INTERFACE data type option is an Early Access feature.

Network Condition object

Specifies a network selection mode and a set of network zones to be included or excluded. If the connection parameter's data type is ZONE, one of the include or exclude arrays is required. Specific zone IDs to include or exclude are enumerated in the respective arrays. You can use the Zones API (opens new window) to manage network zones.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
connection Network selection mode ANYWHERE, ZONE No
include The zones to include Array Only if connection data type is ZONE
exclude The zones to exclude Array Only if connection data type is ZONE

Note: You can set the connection parameter to the ZONE data type to select individual network zones.

Network Condition object example

  "network": {
    "connection": "ZONE",
    "include": [
      "nzowdja2YRaQmOQYp0g3", "nzowe1mKv1D10YNda0g3", "nzowduJMXKsPkRqL40g3"

If you want to include or exclude all zones, you should pass in ALL_ZONES as the only element in the include or exclude array.

Network Condition object example (exclude All Zones)

  "network": {
    "connection": "ZONE",
    "exclude": [

Authentication Provider Condition object

Specifies an authentication provider that is the source of some or all Users

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
provider Specifies the required authentication provider 'Okta', 'Active Directory' Yes 'Okta'
include The AD integrations this Policy applies to Array No Include all AD integrations

Authentication Provider Condition object example

  "authProvider": {
    "provider": "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY",
    "include": [

User Identifier Condition object

Specifies a User Identifier condition to match on

Parameter Description Data Type Required
patterns The pattern(s) to match Array of patterns objects. Yes
type What to match against, either user ID or an attribute in the User's Okta profile. IDENTIFIER, ATTRIBUTE Yes
attribute The name of the profile attribute to match against. Only used when type is ATTRIBUTE. String No

Note: When using a regex expression, or when matching against Okta user profile attributes, the patterns array can have only one element.

Patterns object

Used in the User Identifier Condition object, specifies the details of the patterns to match against

Parameter Description Data Type Required
matchType The kind of pattern. For regex, use EXPRESSION. For simple string matches, options are EQUALS, CONTAINS, STARTS_WITH, SUFFIX. String Yes
value The regex expression or simple match string String Yes

User Identifier Condition object example: Regex on Login

Note: The array can have only one element for regex matching.

  "userIdentifier": {
    "patterns": [
        "matchType": "EXPRESSION",
        "value": "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)\\.test@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$"
    "type": "IDENTIFIER"

User Identifier Condition object example: Domain List on Login

Notes: The array can have multiple elements for non-regex matching.

This example is abbreviated.

  "userIdentifier": {
    "patterns": [
        "matchType": "SUFFIX",
        "value": ""
        "matchType": "SUFFIX",
        "value": ""
    "type": "IDENTIFIER"

User Identifier Condition object example: User Attribute

Note: The array can have only one value for profile attribute matching.

  "userIdentifier": {
    "patterns": [
        "matchType": "STARTS_WITH",
        "value": "demo"
    "type": "ATTRIBUTE",
    "attribute": "customField"

Application and App Instance Condition object

Specifies either a general application or specific App Instance to match on

Parameter Description Data Type Required
include The list of applications or App Instances to match on Array Yes
exclude The list of applications to exclude Array Yes

NOTE: If both include and exclude are empty, then the condition is met for all applications.

Application and App Instance Condition object example

Note: This example is abbreviated.

  "app": {
        "type": "APP_TYPE",
        "type": "APP",

Platform Condition object

Specifies a particular platform or device to match on

Parameter Description Data Type Required
include The platforms to include Array Yes

Platform Condition object example

"platform": {
  "include": [
      "type": "MOBILE",
      "os": {
        "type": "IOS"
      "type": "MOBILE",
      "os": {
        "type": "ANDROID"
      "type": "DESKTOP",
      "os": {
        "type": "WINDOWS"
      "type": "DESKTOP",
      "os": {
        "type": "OSX"

Device Condition object

Identity Engine

Note: This feature is only available as a part of the Identity Engine. Please contact support (opens new window) for information on the Identity Engine.

Specifies the device condition to match on

Parameter Description Data Type Required
registered If the device is registered. A device is registered if the User enrolls with Okta Verify that is installed on the device. Boolean No
managed If the device is managed. A device is managed if it's managed by a device management system. Boolean No

Note: When managed is passed, registered must also be included and must be set to true.

For details on integration with a device management system, see

Device Condition object example

"device": {
  "registered": true,
  "managed": true

Risk Score Condition object

Specifies a particular level of risk to match on

Parameter Description Data Type Required
level The level to match ANY, LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH Yes

Risk Score Condition object example

"riskScore": {
  "level": "MEDIUM"

Okta Expression Language Condition object

Use Okta Expression Language as a condition. See Okta Expression Language in Identity Engine

Parameter Description Data Type Required
condition expression to match String Yes

Okta Expression Language Condition object example

"elCondition": {
    "condition":"security.risk.level == 'HIGH'"

Entity risk score condition object

Identity Engine

The entity risk score condition object specifies a particular level of risk for the entity risk policy rule. The object is specified as entityRisk.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
level The risk score level of the entity risk policy rule ANY, LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH Yes

Entity risk score condition object example

"entityRisk": {
   "level": "MEDIUM"

Entity risk detection condition object

Identity Engine

The entity risk detection conditions object specifies the detected risk events that determine any further action. The object is specified as riskDetectionTypes. This object can have an include parameter or an exclude parameter, but not both.

Parameter Description Data Type Required
include An array of detected risk events to include in the entity policy rule array Yes
exclude An array of detected risk events to exclude in the entity policy rule array Yes
Detected risk event values

Entity detection condition object example

"riskDetectionTypes": {

Type-Specific Policy data structures

Global session policy

Note: In Identity Engine, the Okta Sign On Policy name has changed to global session policy. The policy type of OKTA_SIGN_ON remains unchanged.

Global session policy controls the manner in which a user is allowed to sign in to Okta, including whether they are challenged for multifactor authentication (MFA) and how long they are allowed to remain signed in before re-authenticating.

Note: Global session policy is different from an application-level authentication policy. An authentication policy determines the extra levels of authentication (if any) that must be performed before a specific Okta application can be invoked.

Policy Settings data

The global session policy doesn't contain Policy Settings data. All of the data is contained in the Rules.

Policy conditions

The following conditions may be applied to the global session policy.

People Condition

Global session policy Rules action data

Signon Action example

  "actions": {
    "signon": {
      "access": "ALLOW",
      "requireFactor": true,
      "factorPromptMode": "SESSION",
      "rememberDeviceByDefault": false,
      "factorLifetime": 15,
      "session": {
        "usePersistentCookie": false,
        "maxSessionIdleMinutes": 120,
        "maxSessionLifetimeMinutes": 0

Signon Action object

Property Description Data Type Required Default
access ALLOW or DENY ALLOW or DENY Yes N/A
requireFactor Indicates if multifactor authentication is required Boolean No false
primaryFactor Identity Engine Indicates the primary factor used to establish a session for the org. Supported values: PASSWORD_IDP_ANY_FACTOR (users can use any factor required by the app authentication policy to establish a session), PASSWORD_IDP (users must always use a password to establish a session) String Yes, if access is set to ALLOW N/A
factorPromptMode Indicates if the User should be challenged for a second factor (MFA) based on the device being used, a Factor session lifetime, or on every sign-in attempt. DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS Yes, if requireFactor is set to true N/A
rememberDeviceByDefault Indicates if Okta should automatically remember the device Boolean No false
factorLifetime Interval of time that must elapse before the User is challenged for MFA, if the Factor prompt mode is set to SESSION Integer Yes, if requireFactor is true N/A
session Properties governing the User's session lifetime Signon Session object No
Signon Session object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
maxSessionIdleMinutes Maximum number of minutes that a User session can be idle before the session is ended. Integer No 120
maxSessionLifetimeMinutes Maximum number of minutes from User sign in that a user's session is active. Set this to force Users to sign in again after the number of specified minutes. Disable by setting to 0. This property is read-only for the default rule of the default Global session policy. Integer No 0
usePersistentCookie If set to false, User session cookies only last the length of a browser session. If set to true, User session cookies last across browser sessions. This setting doesn't impact Okta Administrator users who can never have persistent session cookies. This property is read-only for the default rule of the default Global session policy. Boolean No false

Rules conditions

You can apply the following conditions to the Rules associated with a global session policy:

Authenticator enrollment policy

Identity Engine

Note: In Identity Engine, the Multifactor (MFA) Enrollment Policy name has changed to authenticator enrollment policy. The policy type of MFA_ENROLL remains unchanged, however, the settings data is updated for authenticators. For Classic Engine, see Multifactor (MFA) Enrollment Policy.

The authenticator enrollment policy controls which authenticators are available for a User, as well as when a User may enroll in a particular authenticator.

Authenticator enrollment policy settings example

Identity Engine

Note: Policy settings are included only for those authenticators that are enabled.

   "settings": {
     "type": "AUTHENTICATORS",
     "authenticators": [
         "key": "security_question",
         "enroll": {
           "self": "OPTIONAL"
         "key": "okta_phone",
         "enroll": {
           "self": "OPTIONAL"

Policy Settings data

Identity Engine
Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
authenticators List of authenticator policy settings Array of Policy Authenticator object No
factors Factor policy settings. This parameter is for Classic Engine MFA Enrollment policies that have migrated to Identity Engine but haven't converted to using authenticators yet. Factors and authenticators are mutually exclusive in an authenticator enrollment policy. When a policy is updated to use authenticators, the factors are removed. Policy Factors Configuration object No
type Type of policy configuration object FACTORS or AUTHENTICATORS No FACTORS


  • The authenticators parameter allows you to configure all available authenticators, including authentication and recovery. In contrast, the factors parameter only allows you to configure multifactor authentication.
  • For orgs with the Authenticator enrollment policy feature enabled, the new default authenticator enrollment policy created by Okta contains the authenticators property in the policy settings. Existing default authenticator enrollment policies from a migrated Classic Engine org remain unchanged and still use the factors property in their policy settings.

Policy Authenticator object

Identity Engine
Parameter Description Data Type Required
key A label that identifies the authenticator String Yes
enroll Enrollment requirements for the authenticator Policy Authenticator Enroll object Yes
constraints Early Access Constraints for the authenticator Policy Authenticator Constraints object No

Policy Authenticator Enroll object

Identity Engine
Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
self Requirements for the user-initiated enrollment NOT_ALLOWED, OPTIONAL, or REQUIRED Yes NOT_ALLOWED

Policy Authenticator Constraints object

Identity Engine Early Access

Note: Allow List for FIDO2 (WebAuthn) Authenticators is an Early Access (Self-Service) feature. Enable the feature for your org from the Settings > Features page in the Admin Console.

Configure which FIDO2 WebAuthn authenticators are allowed in your org for new enrollments by defining WebAuthn authenticator groups. Then, specify which groups are in the allow list for enrollments. The authenticators in the group are based on FIDO Alliance Metadata Service that's identified by name or the Authenticator Attestation Global Unique Identifier (AAGUID (opens new window)) number. These groups are defined in the WebAuthn authenticator method settings (opens new window).

Parameter Description Data Type Required
aaguidGroups The list of FIDO2 WebAuthn authenticator groups allowed for enrollment Array of strings No
Authenticator enrollment policy WebAuthn constraints example
Identity Engine Early Access
  "key": "webauthn",
  "enroll": {
    "self": "OPTIONAL"
  "constraints": {
    "aaguidGroups": [

Policy conditions

The following conditions may be applied to authenticator enrollment policies:

Authenticator Rules Action data

Authenticator enrollment rules actions example

  "actions": {
    "enroll": {
      "self": "CHALLENGE"

Rules Actions Enroll object

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
self Should the User be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? CHALLENGE, LOGIN or NEVER Yes N/A

Rules conditions

You can apply the following conditions to the Rules associated with the authenticator enrollment policy:

Multifactor (MFA) Enrollment Policy

Note: In Identity Engine, the Multifactor (MFA) Enrollment Policy name has changed to authenticator enrollment policy. In Classic Engine, the Multifactor Enrollment Policy type remains unchanged.

The Multifactor (MFA) Enrollment Policy controls which MFA methods are available for a User, as well as when a User may enroll in a particular Factor.

Policy Factors Settings example

Note: Policy Settings are included only for those Factors that are enabled.

   "settings": {
     "factors": {
       "okta_question": {
         "enroll": {
           "self": "OPTIONAL"
       "okta_sms": {
         "enroll": {
           "self": "REQUIRED"

Policy Settings data

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
factors Factor policy settings Policy Factors Configuration object No

Note: The factors parameter only allows you to configure multifactor authentication.

Policy Factors Configuration object

Parameter Description Data Type Required
duo Duo Security Policy MFA Factor object No
fido_u2f FIDO U2F Policy MFA Factor object No
fido_webauthn Windows Hello Policy MFA Factor object No
google_otp Google Authenticator Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_call Okta Voice Call Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_email Okta Email Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_otp Okta Verify TOTP Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_password Okta Password Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_push Okta Verify Push Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_question Okta Security Question Policy MFA Factor object No
okta_sms Okta SMS Policy MFA Factor object No
rsa_token RSA Token Policy MFA Factor object No
symantec_vip Symantec VIP Policy MFA Factor object No
yubikey_token Yubikey Token Policy MFA Factor object No

Policy MFA Factor object

Parameter Description Data Type Required
enroll Enrollment requirements for the Factor Policy Factor Enroll object No

Policy Factor Enroll object

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
self Requirements for User-initiated enrollment NOT_ALLOWED, OPTIONAL or REQUIRED No NOT_ALLOWED

Policy conditions

The following conditions may be applied to Multifactor Policy:

Multifactor Rules Action data

Multifactor Enrollment Rules Actions example

  "actions": {
    "enroll": {
      "self": "CHALLENGE"

Rules Actions Enroll object

Parameter Description Data Type Required Default
self Should the User be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? CHALLENGE, LOGIN or NEVER Yes N/A

Rules conditions

The following conditions may be applied to the Rules associated with MFA Enrollment Policy:

Password Policy

The Password Policy determines the requirements for a user's password length and complexity, as well as the frequency with which a password must be changed. This Policy also governs the recovery operations that may be performed by the User, including change password, reset (forgot) password, and self-service password unlock.

Note: Password Policies are enforced only for Okta and AD-sourced users. For AD-sourced users, ensure that your Active Directory Policies don't conflict with the Okta Policies.

Policy Settings example

   "settings": {
     "password": {
       "complexity": {
         "minLength": 8,
         "minLowerCase": 1,
         "minUpperCase": 1,
         "minNumber": 1,
         "minSymbol": 0,
         "excludeUsername": true,
         "dictionary": {
                        "common": {
                            "exclude": false
         "excludeAttributes": []
       "age": {
         "maxAgeDays": 0,
         "expireWarnDays": 0,
         "minAgeMinutes": 0,
         "historyCount": 0
       "lockout": {
         "maxAttempts": 10,
         "autoUnlockMinutes": 0,
         "showLockoutFailures": false
     "recovery": {
       "factors": {
         "recovery_question": {
           "status": "ACTIVE",
           "properties": {
             "complexity": {
               "minLength": 4
         "okta_email": {
           "status": "ACTIVE",
           "properties": {
             "recoveryToken": {
               "tokenLifetimeMinutes": 60
         "okta_sms": {
           "status": "INACTIVE"
         "okta_call": {
           "status": "INACTIVE"
     "delegation": {
       "options": {
         "skipUnlock": false

Policy Settings data

Property Description Data Type Required
password Password settings Password Policy Password object No
recovery Recovery settings Password Policy Recovery object No
delegation Delegation settings Password Policy Delegation object No

Password object

Property Description Data Type Required
complexity Complexity settings Password Complexity object No
age Age settings Password Age object No
lockout Lockout settings Password Lockout object No
Complexity object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
minLength Minimum password length integer No 8
minLowerCase Indicates if a password must contain at least one lower case letter: 0 indicates no, 1 indicates yes integer No 1
minUpperCase Indicates if a password must contain at least one upper case letter: 0 indicates no, 1 indicates yes integer No 1
minNumber Indicates if a password must contain at least one number: 0 indicates no, 1 indicates yes integer No 1
minSymbol Indicates if a password must contain at least one symbol (For example: !@#$%^&*): 0 indicates no, 1 indicates yes integer No 1
excludeUsername Indicates if the Username must be excluded from the password boolean No true
excludeAttributes The User profile attributes whose values must be excluded from the password: currently only supports firstName and lastName Array No Empty Array
dictionary Weak password dictionary lookup settings Weak Password Dictionary object No N/A
Weak Password Dictionary object

Specifies how lookups for weak passwords are done. Designed to be extensible with multiple possible dictionary types against which to do lookups.

Property Description Data Type Required
common Lookup settings for commonly used passwords Common Password Lookup object No
Common Password Lookup object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
exclude Indicates whether to check passwords against common password dictionary Boolean No false
Age object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
maxAgeDays Specifies how long (in days) a password remains valid before it expires: 0 indicates no limit integer No 0
expireWarnDays Specifies the number of days prior to password expiration when a User is warned to reset their password: 0 indicates no warning integer No 0
minAgeMinutes Specifies the minimum time interval (in minutes) between password changes: 0 indicates no limit integer No 0
historyCount Specifies the number of distinct passwords that a User must create before they can reuse a previous password: 0 indicates none integer No 0
Lockout object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
maxAttempts Specifies the number of times Users can attempt to sign in to their accounts with an invalid password before their accounts are locked: 0 indicates no limit integer No 0
autoUnlockMinutes Specifies the time interval (in minutes) a locked account remains locked before it is automatically unlocked: 0 indicates no limit integer No 0
showLockoutFailures Indicates if the User should be informed when their account is locked Boolean No false

Recovery object

The Password Policy object contains the factors used for password recovery and account unlock. However, if you are using the Identity Engine, it is recommended to set recovery factors in the Password Policy Rule as shown in the examples under Password Rules Action Data.

Property Description Data Type Required
factors Settings for the Factors that may be used for recovery Recovery Factors object No
Recovery Factors object
Property Description Data Type Required
recovery_question Settings for Security Question Factor Recovery Question Factor object No
okta_email Settings for Email Factor Email Factor object No
okta_sms Settings for SMS Factor SMS Factor object No
okta_call Settings for Call Factor Call Factor object No
Recovery Question Factor object
Property Description Data Type Required
status Indicates if the Factor is enabled. ACTIVE, INACTIVE Early Access Yes
properties Configuration settings for Security Question Factor Recovery Question Factor Properties object No
Recovery Question Factor Properties object
Property Description Data Type Required
complexity Complexity settings for recovery question Recovery Question Factor Properties Complexity object No
Recovery Question Factor Properties Complexity object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
minLength Minimum length of the password recovery question answer Integer No 4
Email Factor object
Property Description Data Type Required
status Indicates if the Factor is enabled. This property is read-only ACTIVE Yes
properties Configuration settings for the Okta Email Factor Email Factor Properties object No
Email Factor Properties object
Property Description Data Type Required
recoveryToken Recovery token settings Email Factor Properties Recovery Token object No
Email Factor Properties Recovery Token object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
tokenLifetimeMinutes Lifetime (in minutes) of the recovery token Integer No 10080
SMS Factor object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
status Indicates if the Factor is enabled. ACTIVE, INACTIVE No 'INACTIVE'
Call Factor object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
status Indicates if the Factor is enabled. ACTIVE, INACTIVE No 'INACTIVE'

Delegation object

Property Description Data Type Required
options Delegation options Delegation Options object No
Options object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
skipUnlock Indicates if, when performing an unlock operation on an Active Directory sourced User who is locked out of Okta, the system should also attempt to unlock the User's Windows account. Boolean No false

Policy conditions

The following conditions may be applied to Password Policy:

Password Rules Action data

Password Actions example

  "actions": {
    "passwordChange": {
     "access": "ALLOW"
    "selfServicePasswordReset": {
     "access": "ALLOW"
    "selfServiceUnlock": {
     "access": "ALLOW"
Identity Engine

With the Identity Engine, Recovery Factors can be specified inside the Password Policy Rule object instead of in the Policy Settings object. Recovery Factors for the rule are defined inside the selfServicePasswordReset Action.

The following three examples demonstrate how Recovery Factors are configured in the Rule based on admin requirements.

In this example, the requirement is that end users verify with just one Authenticator before they can recover their password. Email, SMS, Voice, or Okta Verify Push can be used by end users to initiate recovery. We know that only one Authenticator is required because there are no step up Authenticators specified as can be seen by the stepUp object having the required attribute set as false.

"actions": {
      "passwordChange": {
        "access": "ALLOW"
      "selfServicePasswordReset": {
        "access": "ALLOW",
        "requirement": {
          "primary": {
            "methods": [
          "stepUp": {
            "required": false
      "selfServiceUnlock": {
        "access": "ALLOW"

In this example, the requirement is that end users verify two Authenticators before they can recover their password. Only email or Okta Verify Push can be used by end users to initiate recovery. A security question is required as a step up.

"actions": {
      "passwordChange": {
        "access": "ALLOW"
      "selfServicePasswordReset": {
        "access": "ALLOW",
        "requirement": {
          "primary": {
            "methods": [
          "stepUp": {
            "required": true,
            "methods": [
      "selfServiceUnlock": {
        "access": "ALLOW"

In the final example, end users are required to verify two Authenticators before they can recover their password. Only Okta Verify Push can be used by end users to initiate recovery. A step-up verification is required for which they can use any enrolled Authenticator that can be used for sign-on. This is indicated by the stepUp object that contains only the required attribute set as true but without the methods array attribute.

"actions": {
      "passwordChange": {
        "access": "ALLOW"
      "selfServicePasswordReset": {
        "access": "ALLOW",
        "requirement": {
          "primary": {
            "methods": [
          "stepUp": {
            "required": true
      "selfServiceUnlock": {
        "access": "ALLOW"

Password Action object

Property Description Data Type Required
passwordChange Properties governing the change password operation Password Change object No
selfServicePasswordReset Properties governing the self-service password reset (forgot password) operation Self Service Password Reset object No
selfServiceUnlock Properties governing the self-service unlock operation Self Service Unlock object No
Password Change Action object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
access Indicates if the action is permitted ALLOW, DENY No DENY
Self Service Password Reset Action object

This object enables or disables users to reset their own password and defines the authenticators and constraints needed to complete the reset.

Note: The following indicated objects and properties are only available as a part of the Identity Engine. Identity Engine

Property Description Data Type Supported Values Required Default
access Indicates if the action is permitted String ALLOW, DENY No DENY
type Identity Engine Type of rule action String selfServicePasswordReset No
(read only)
requirement Identity Engine JSON object that contains Authenticator methods required to be verified if access is ALLOW. If access is ALLOW and requirement isn't specified, recovery.factors from the parent policy object is used to determine recovery factors. Self Service Password Reset Action Requirement object No
Self Service Password Reset Action Requirement object
Identity Engine

Describes the initial and secondary (step-up) authenticator requirements a user needs to reset their password

Property Description Data Type Required
primary Defines the authenticators permitted for the initial authentication step of password recovery Self Service Password Reset Action Primary Requirement object No
stepUp Defines the authenticators permitted for the secondary authentication step of password recovery Self Service Password Reset Action Step-up Requirement object No
Self Service Password Reset Action Primary Requirement object
Identity Engine

Defines the authenticators permitted for the initial authentication step of password recovery

Property Description Data Type Supported Values Required
methodConstraints Specifies an authenticator-specific constraint on the values in the methods array. Currently, Google OTP is the only accepted constraint for the OTP method. Array of Self Service Password Reset Action Primary Requirement Constraint object [ {"method": "otp", "allowedAuthenticators": [ { "key": "google_otp" } ] } ] No
methods Authenticator methods allowed for the initial authentication step of password recovery. The OTP method requires a constraint limiting it to the Google authenticator. Array PUSH, SMS, VOICE, EMAIL, and OTP No
Self Service Password Reset Action Primary Requirement Constraint object
Identity Engine

Constraints on the values specified in the selfServicePasswordReset.requirement.primary.methods array. Specifying a constraint limits methods to specific authenticators. Currently, Google OTP is the only accepted constraint.

Property Description Data Type Supported Values Required
allowedAuthenticators Limits the authenticators that you can use for a given method. Currently, only the OTP method supports constraints and Google authenticator is the only allowed authenticator. Array of authenticator keys (opens new window) [ { "key": "google_otp" } ] No
method Specifies the method that is limited to the specific authenticator in allowedAuthenticators. Currently, Google OTP is the only accepted constraint. String OTP No
Self Service Password Reset Action Step-up Requirement object
Identity Engine

Defines the secondary authenticators needed for password reset if selfServicePasswordReset.requirement.stepUp.required is true. The following are three valid configurations:

  • required = false
  • required = true with no methods to use any SSO authenticator
  • required = true with security_question as the method
Property Description Data Type Supported Values Required
required Indicates if any step-up verification is required to recover a password that follows a primary methods verification Boolean true, false No
methods Authenticator methods required for secondary authentication step of password recovery. When required is true, the only supported secondary authentication method is security_question. Array of strings [ "security_question" ] No
Self Service Unlock Action object
Property Description Data Type Required Default
access Indicates if the action is permitted ALLOW, DENY No DENY

Rules conditions

The following conditions may be applied to the Rules associated with Password Policy:

IdP Discovery Policy

The IdP Discovery Policy determines where to route Users when they are attempting to sign in to your org. Users can be routed to a variety of Identity Providers (SAML2, IWA, AgentlessDSSO, X509, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, LINKEDIN, MICROSOFT, OIDC) based on multiple conditions. For more information, see IdP Discovery.

All Okta orgs contain only one IdP Discovery Policy with an immutable default Rule routing to your org's sign-in page.

Policy conditions

You can apply the following conditions to the IdP Discovery Policy:

Policy Action data

Policy Action object

Property Description Data Type Required
providers List of configured Identity Providers that a given Rule can route to array Yes

Note: Ability to define multiple providers is a part of the Identity Engine. Contact support (opens new window) for information on the Identity Engine.

Note: IdP types of OKTA, AgentlessDSSO, and IWA don't require an id.

Policy Action example

  "actions": {
    "idp": {
      "providers": [
          "type": "SAML2",
          "id": "0oaoz0zUsohjfrWZ80g3"

Policy Action with multiple IdP instances

Identity Engine

Note: This feature is only available as a part of the Identity Engine. Contact support (opens new window) for information on the Identity Engine.

You can define multiple IdP instances in a single Policy Action. This allows users to choose a Provider when they sign in.

Provider object

Note: IdP types OKTA, AgentlessDSSO, and IWA don't require an id.

Property Description Data Type Required
id Provider id in Okta String Yes
type Provider type. Possible values: OKTA, AgentlessDSSO, IWA, X509, SAML2, OIDC, APPLE, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, LINKEDIN, MICROSOFT String Yes
name Identity Engine Provider name in Okta String No

Policy Action with Dynamic IdP routing

Note: Dynamic IdP Routing is an Early Access (Self-Service) feature. You can enable the feature for your org from the Settings > Features page in the Admin Console.

You can choose to define an IdP instance in the Policy action or provide an Okta Expression Language with the Login Context that is evaluated with the IdP. For example, the value login.identifier refers to the user's username. If the user is signing in with the username, the expression, login.identifier.substringAfter('@)) is evaluated to the domain name of the user, for example, The IdP property that the evaluated string should match to is specified as the propertyName.

Dynamic IdP example

  "idp": {
  "matchCriteria": [
        "providerExpression": "login.identifier.substringAfter('@')",
        "propertyName": "name"
  "providers": [],
  "idpSelectionType": "DYNAMIC"
IdP object
Property Description Data Type Required
providerExpression The expression that is evaluated Okta Expression Language Yes, if idpSelectionType is set to DYNAMIC
propertyName The property of the IdP that the evaluated providerExpression should match. The default value is name, which refers to the name of the IdP. String No
idpSelectionType Determines whether the rule should use expression language or a specific IdP. Supported values: SPECIFIC,DYNAMIC String Yes
  • You can add up to 10 providers to a single idp Policy Action.

  • You can define only one provider for the following IdP types: AgentlessDSSO, IWA, X509.

  • You can't define a provider if idpSelectionType is DYNAMIC.

  • You can't define a providerExpression if idpSelectionType is SPECIFIC.

  • If a User Identifier Condition is defined together with an OKTA provider, sign-in requests are handled by Okta exclusively.

  "actions": {
    "idp": {
      "providers": [
          "type": "OKTA"
          "type": "SAML2",
          "id": "0oaoz0zUsohjfrWZ80g3",
          "name": "Other IdP"
          "type": "OIDC",
          "id": "0oaFz3WUgotjUKank5z8",
          "name": "External Identity Provider"

Authentication policy

Identity Engine

Note: This feature is only available as a part of Identity Engine. Contact support (opens new window) for information.

Note: The app sign-on policy name has changed to authentication policy. The policy type of ACCESS_POLICY remains unchanged.

An authentication policy determines the extra levels of authentication (if any) that must be performed before you can invoke a specific Okta application. This policy is always associated with an app through a mapping. Identity Engine always evaluates both the global session policy and the authentication policy for the app. The resulting user experience is the union of both policies. Authentication policies have a policy type of ACCESS_POLICY.

When you create a new application, the shared default authentication policy is associated with it. You can create a different authentication policy for the app (opens new window) or add additional rules to the default authentication policy to meet your needs. Remember that any rules that you add to the shared authentication policy are automatically assigned to any new application that you create in your org. Additionally, you can merge duplicate authentication policies with identical rules (opens new window) to improve policy management.

Note: You can have a maximum of 5000 authentication policies in an org. There is a max limit of 100 rules allowed per policy. When you create an authentication policy, you automatically also create a default policy rule with the lowest priority of 99. The highest priority that an authentication policy rule can be set to is 0.

Note: When you merge duplicate authentication policies (opens new window), policy and mapping CRUD operations may be unavailable during the consolidation. When the consolidation is complete, you receive an email.

Okta account management policy

Identity Engine Early Access

The Okta account management policy is a type of authentication policy. It defines requirements when users enroll in authenticators, recover their passwords, and unlock their accounts. Its rule-based framework lets you enforce phishing resistance throughout the user journey, from onboarding to authentication and recovery.

The Okta account management policy appears in GET calls to the /policies endpoint. However, it's read-only. You can't create, update, or delete the policy. You have to disable the feature if you want to stop using it. Most importantly, you can't assign it to apps. This policy applies to Okta account management actions only.

You can use the Policy API to manage the rules of the policy (opens new window).

See Configure an Okta account management policy for more details.

See Okta account management policy (opens new window) for details about configuring the policy in the Admin Console.

Authentication policy example

        "type": "ACCESS_POLICY",
        "name": "Web Cart App Sign On Policy",
        "description": "Standard policy for Web Cart application"

Additionally, there is no direct property to get the policy ID for an application. Instead, you need to retrieve the application object and use the reference to the policy ID that is a part of the application object.

        "accessPolicy": {
          "href": ""

Okta account management policy example

        "type": "ACCESS_POLICY",
        "name": "Web Cart App Sign On Policy",
        "description": "Standard policy for Web Cart application"

Policy conditions

Policy conditions aren't supported. Conditions are applied at the rule level for these types of policies.

Policy Rules conditions

You can apply the following conditions to the rules associated with an authentication policy:

App Sign On Action default example

  "actions": {
        "appSignOn": {
            "access": "DENY",
            "verificationMethod": {
                "factorMode": "1FA",
                "type": "ASSURANCE",
                "reauthenticateIn": "PT43800H"

App Sign On Action object

Property Description Data Type Required Default
access ALLOW or ALLOW or DENY Yes N/A
verificationMethod Describes the method to verify the user. The only supported method type is ASSURANCE. Verification Method Object Yes Default

Verification Method object

The Verification Method ensures that a user is verified. The only supported type is ASSURANCE.

Assurance is the degree of confidence that the end user signing in to an application or service is the same end user who previously enrolled or signed in to the application or service.

Authenticators can be broadly classified into three kinds of Factors. A Factor represents the mechanism by which an end user owns or controls the Authenticator. The three classifications are:

  • Knowledge: something you know, such as a password
  • Possession: something you have, such as a phone
  • Inherence: something you are, such as a fingerprint or other biometric scan

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is the use of more than one Factor. MFA is the most common way to increase assurance. Authenticators also have other characteristics that may raise or lower assurance. For example, possession Factors may be implemented in software or hardware, with hardware being able to provide greater protection when storing shared secrets or private keys, and thus providing higher assurance.

Property Data Type Description Supported Values
factorMode String The number of factors required to satisfy this assurance level 1FA, 2FA
type String The Verification Method type ASSURANCE
constraints Array of Constraint Object A JSON array that contains nested Authenticator Constraint objects that are organized by the Authenticator class Constraint Object that consists of a POSSESSION constraint, a KNOWLEDGE constraint, or both. You can't configure an INHERENCE constraint, but an inherence factor can satisfy the second part of a 2FA assurance if no other constraints are specified. See Verification Method JSON Examples.
reauthenticateIn String (ISO 8601) The duration after which the user must re-authenticate, regardless of user activity. Keep in mind that the re-authentication intervals for constraints (see Constraint object) take precedent over this value. ISO 8601 period format for recurring time intervals (for example: PT2H, PT0S, PT43800H, and so on)
inactivityPeriod String (ISO 8601) The inactivity duration after which the user must re-authenticate ISO 8601 period format (for example: PT2H)


The Constraints are logically evaluated such that only one Constraint object needs to be satisfied, but within a Constraint object, each Constraint property must be satisfied.

Constraints default example
"constraints": [
  { // object 1
    "knowledge": {  // 1A
      "types": [
      "reauthenticateIn": "PTOS"
    "possession": { // 1B
      "userPresence": "REQUIRED",
      "userVerification": "OPTIONAL"
  { // object 2
    "knowledge": {  // 2A
      "types": [
    "possession": { // 2B
      "phishingResistant": "REQUIRED"

In the preceding example, the Assurance policy is satisfied if Constraint object 1 (password factor with re-authentication on every sign-in attempt and a possession factor) or Constraint object 2 (password factor and a possession factor that is a phishing-resistant, such as WebAuthn ) is satisfied.

This can be read logically as: ( (1A && 1B) || (2A && 2B) )

The number of Authenticator class constraints in each Constraint object must be less than or equal to the value of factorMode. If the value of factorMode is less, there are no constraints on any additional Factors.

Property Data Type Description Supported Values Default
types Array of Authenticator types The Authenticator types that are permitted [ SECURITY_KEY, PHONE, EMAIL, PASSWORD, SECURITY_QUESTION, APP, FEDERATED ] N/A
methods Array of Authenticator methods The Authenticator methods that are permitted [ PASSWORD, SECURITY_QUESTION, SMS, VOICE, EMAIL, PUSH, SIGNED_NONCE, OTP, TOTP, WEBAUTHN, DUO, IDP, CERT] N/A
hardwareProtection String Indicates if any secrets or private keys that are used during authentication must be hardware protected and not exportable. This property is only set for POSSESSION constraints. REQUIRED, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL
deviceBound String Indicates if device-bound Factors are required. This property is only set for POSSESSION constraints. REQUIRED, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL
phishingResistant String Indicates if phishing-resistant Factors are required. This property is only set for POSSESSION constraints. REQUIRED, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL
userPresence String Indicates if the user needs to approve an Okta Verify prompt or provide biometrics (meets NIST AAL2 requirements). This property is only set for POSSESSION constraints. REQUIRED, OPTIONAL REQUIRED
userVerification String Indicates the user interaction requirement (PIN or biometrics) to ensure verification of a possession factor. This property is only set for POSSESSION constraints. REQUIRED, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL
reauthenticateIn String (ISO 8601) The duration after which the user must re-authenticate regardless of user activity. This re-authentication interval overrides the Verification Method object's reauthenticateIn interval. ISO 8601 period format for recurring time intervals (for example: PT1H) N/A
authenticationMethods array of Authentication method objects This property specifies the precise authenticator and method for authentication. OPTIONAL
excludedAuthenticationMethods array of Authentication method objects This property specifies the precise authenticator and method to exclude from authentication. OPTIONAL
required Boolean This property indicates whether the knowledge or possession factor is required by the assurance. It's optional in the request, but is always returned in the response. By default, this field is true. If the knowledge or possession constraint has values forexcludedAuthenticationMethods then the required value is false. OPTIONAL

Authentication method object

The authentication method object contains key-value pairs that identify the specific authenticator and method to use or exclude for the policy rule. For a list of authenticator keys and methods, see Authenticator key, type, method, and characteristic relationships for constraints. For examples, see Verification Method with Authentication Method JSON Examples.

Property Description Data Type Required
key A label that identifies the authenticator String Yes
method Specifies the method used for the authenticator String No

Authenticator key, type, method, and characteristic relationships for constraints

The following table shows the possible relationships between all the authenticators, their methods, and method characteristics to construct constraints for a policy.


  • Method characteristics with an asterisk (*) indicate that the condition is only satisfied with certain configurations, devices, or flows.
  • You can't configure an inherence (user-verifying characteristic) constraint. However, you can satisfy inherence as the second part of a 2FA assurance if the device or platform supports biometrics.
  • For smart_card_idp authenticators, a PIN acts as user verifying so it can satisfy the inherence constraint.
Authenticator key Authenticator type Authenticator method Constraints
(factor class)
okta_password PASSWORD PASSWORD knowledge x
security_question SECURITY_QUESTION SECURITY_QUESTION knowledge x
okta_email EMAIL EMAIL possession x
phone_number PHONE SMS possession x
phone_number PHONE VOICE possession x
duo APP DUO possession x * x
symantec_vip APP OTP possession x x
google_otp APP OTP possession x x
okta_verify APP TOTP possession x x *
okta_verify APP PUSH possession, inherence x x x * x
okta_verify APP SIGNED_NONCE possession, inherence x * x x * x * x
custom_app APP PUSH possession, inherence x * x x x
webauthn SECURITY_KEY WEBAUTHN possession, inherence x x x x
custom_otp SECURITY_KEY OTP possession x x
onprem_mfa SECURITY_KEY OTP possession x x
rsa_token SECURITY_KEY OTP possession x x
yubikey_token SECURITY_KEY OTP possession x x x
external_idp FEDERATED IDP possession x
smart_card_idp FEDERATED CERT possession, knowledge, inherence x * x x x x *

Verification Method JSON examples

Any single factor
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "1FA",
  "constraints": [],
  "reauthenticateIn": "PT4H"
Password + any factor
    "type": "ASSURANCE",
    "factorMode": "2FA",
    "constraints": [
         "knowledge": {
             "types": [ "PASSWORD" ]
   "reauthenticateIn": "PT4H"
Password + SMS
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "2FA",
  "constraints": [
      "knowledge": {
        "types": [
      "possession": {
        "types": [
        "methods": [
  "reauthenticateIn": "PT4H"
Any hardware-protected Authenticator
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "1FA",
  "constraints": [
      "possession": {
        "hardwareProtection": "REQUIRED"
  "reauthenticateIn": "PT4H"
Any two factors with one being a hardware-protected Authenticator
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "2FA",
  "constraints": [
      "possession": {
        "hardwareProtection": "REQUIRED"
  "reauthenticateIn": "PT4H"
Single factor Duo only
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "1FA",
  "constraints": [
      "possession": {
        "types": [
        "methods": [
Single factor WebAuthn
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "1FA",
  "constraints": [
      "possession": {
        "types": [
        "methods": [
Okta Verify: OTP only
  "type": "ASSURANCE",
  "factorMode": "1FA",
  "constraints": [
      "possession": {
        "types": [
        "methods": [

Verification Method with Authentication Method JSON examples

// allow an authenticator - key only
    "type": "ASSURANCE",
    "factorMode": "1FA",
    "constraints": [
          "possession": {
             "authenticationMethods": [ { "key": "google_otp" } ] // allow list, authenticators/methods not listed in the list are not allowed
// allow an authenticator method
    "type": "ASSURANCE",
    "factorMode": "1FA",
    "constraints": [
          "possession": {
             "authenticationMethods": [ { "key": "okta_verify", "method": "TOTP" } ]
// exclude an authenticator - key only
    "type": "ASSURANCE",
    "factorMode": "1FA",
    "constraints": [
          "possession": {
             "excludedAuthenticationMethods": [ { "key": "google_otp" } ]
// exclude an authenticator method
    "type": "ASSURANCE",
    "factorMode": "1FA",
    "constraints": [
          "possession": {
             "excludedAuthenticationMethods": [ { "key": "google_otp", "method": "OTP" } ]
// 2FA exclude password, only allows webauthn
    "type": "ASSURANCE",
    "factorMode": "2FA",
    "constraints": [
          "knowledge": {
             "excludedAuthenticationMethods": [ { "key": "okta_password" } ]
          "possession": {
             "authenticationMethods": [ { "key": "webauthn" } ]

Profile Enrollment policy

Identity Engine

Profile Enrollment policies specify which profile attributes are required for creating new Users through self-service registration and also can be used for progressive profiling. The type is specified as PROFILE_ENROLLMENT.

When you create a new profile enrollment policy, a policy rule is created by default. This type of policy can only have one policy rule, so it's not possible to create other rules. Instead, consider editing the default one to meet your needs.

Note: You can't update or delete the required base attributes in the default user profile: email, firstName, or lastName.

Note: You can have a maximum of 500 profile enrollment policies in an org. A Profile Enrollment policy can only have one rule associated with it. Adding more rules isn't allowed.

Profile Enrollment Policy example

        "type": "PROFILE_ENROLLMENT",
        "name": "User Profile Policy",
        "description": "Standard policy for profile enrollment"

Policy conditions

Policy conditions aren't supported for this policy.

Policy Rules conditions

Policy Rule conditions aren't supported for this policy.

Profile Enrollment Action default example

        "actions": {
            "profileEnrollment": {
                "access": "ALLOW",
                "preRegistrationInlineHooks": null,
                "allowedIdentifiers": ["login"],
                "profileAttributes": [
                        "name": "email",
                        "label": "Email",
                        "required": true
                        "name": "fax",
                        "label": "Fax",
                        "required": true
                "targetGroupIds": null,
                "unknownUserAction": "DENY",
                "activationRequirements": {
                    "emailVerification": true
                "uiSchemaId": "uis44fio9ifOCwJAO1d7",
                "enrollAuthenticators": null

Profile Enrollment Action object

Property Description Data Type Required Default
access ALLOW or DENY ALLOW or DENY Yes N/A
activationRequirements Contains a single Boolean property that indicates whether emailVerification should occur (true) or not (false, default) Object Yes false
preRegistrationInlineHooks (Optional) The id of at most one registration inline hook Array No N/A
allowedIdentifiers Early Access A list of attributes to identify an end user. Can be used across Okta sign-in, unlock, and recovery flows. Array No ["login"]
profileAttributes.label A display-friendly label for this property String Required N/A The name of a User Profile property. Can be an existing User Profile property. String Required N/A
profileAttributes.required (Optional, default FALSE) Indicates if this property is required for enrollment Boolean Required FALSE
profileAttributes A list of attributes to prompt the user during registration or progressive profiling. Where defined on the User schema, these attributes are persisted in the User profile. Non-schema attributes may also be added, which aren't persisted to the User's profile, but are included in requests to the registration inline hook. A maximum of 10 Profile properties is supported. Array Required N/A
targetGroupIds (Optional, max 1 entry) The id of a Group that this User should be added to Array No N/A
unknownUserAction Which action should be taken if this User is new (Valid values: DENY, REGISTER) String YES N/A
uiSchemaId Value created by the backend. If present all policy updates must include this attribute/value. String Required if Present N/A
enrollAuthenticators Additional authenticator fields that can be used on the first page of user registration (Valid values: password) Array No N/A

Note: The Profile Enrollment Action object can't be modified to set the access property to DENY after the policy is created.

Entity risk policy

Identity Engine

The entity risk policy specifies what action or task to execute in reaction to a risk event. The type is specified as ENTITY_RISK.

Entity risk policy example

        "id": "rst4md033zyMXdWAR0g6",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "name": "Entity Risk Policy",
        "description": "Enables entity risk policy evaluation for the org.",
        "priority": 1,
        "system": true,
        "conditions": null,
        "created": "2023-10-17T23:43:07.000Z",
        "lastUpdated": "2023-10-17T23:43:07.000Z",
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "",
                "hints": {
                    "allow": [
            "rules": {
                "href": "",
                "hints": {
                    "allow": [
        "type": "ENTITY_RISK"

Policy conditions

Policy conditions aren't supported for this policy.

Policy rules conditions

You can apply the following conditions to the rules associated with an entity risk policy:

Entity risk object

The Entity risk object indicates the next steps to take in response to a risk event. The object is specified as entityRisk.

Property Description Data Type Required Default
actions The action to take based on the risk event. Array of action value objects Yes []

Actions array object values

The entityRisk object's actions array can be empty or contain one of two action object value pairs. This object determines the specific response to a risk event.

Array value Description Data Type Required Default
[] This action only logs the user risk event. object Yes Yes
[ { "action": "TERMINATE_ALL_SESSIONS" } ] This action revokes or terminates all of the user's active sessions. object No No
[ { "action": "RUN_WORKFLOW", "workflow": {"id": "123123123"} } ] This action runs a workflow and must include the additional workflow id for the workflow property. object No No

Entity risk actions default example

"actions": {
  "entityRisk": {
    "actions": []

Entity risk actions workflow example

"actions": {
  "entityRisk": {
    "actions": [ { "action": "RUN_WORKFLOW", "workflow": {"id": "123123123"} } ]

Continuous Access evaluation policy

Identity Engine

Continuous Access evaluation, implemented in the API as a policy type, determines the action to take based on changes to an existing user session. After a session event is triggered, the global session policy and all authentication policies are reevaluated and a course of action is undertaken as defined by the Continuous Access evaluation policy. The policy type is specified as CONTINUOUS_ACCESS.

Continuous Access evaluation example

        "id": "rst4md03phZeFwacvE0g6",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "name": "Continuous Access Policy",
        "description": "Enables continuous access policy evaluation for the org.",
        "priority": 1,
        "system": true,
        "conditions": null,
        "created": "2023-10-17T23:41:25.000Z",
        "lastUpdated": "2023-10-17T23:41:25.000Z",
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "",
                "hints": {
                    "allow": [
            "rules": {
                "href": "",
                "hints": {
                    "allow": [
        "type": "CONTINUOUS_ACCESS"

Policy conditions

Policy conditions aren't supported for this policy.

Policy rules conditions

You can apply the following conditions to the rules associated with an entity risk policy:

Continuous Access evaluation object

The actions object of the Continuous Access evaluation policy rule indicates the next steps to take in response to a failure of the reevaluated global session policy or authentication policies. The continuousAccess object further defines the action.

Property Description Data Type Required Default
failureActions The action to take when the Continuous Access evaluation detects a failure. Array of failureAction value objects Yes []

failureActions array object values

The continuousAccess object's failureActions array can be empty or contain one of two failureAction object value pairs. This object determines the specific response to a session event.

Array value Description Data Type Required Default
[] This action only logs the user session event. object Yes Yes
[ { "action": "TERMINATE_SESSION" } ] This action terminates active sessions based on the Terminate_Session failureActions object. object No No
[ { "action": "RUN_WORKFLOW", "workflow": {"id": "123123123"} } ] This action runs a workflow and must include the additional workflow id for the workflow property. object No

Continuous Access evaluation actions example

"actions": {
    "continuousAccess": {
      "failureActions": [{
                    "action": "TERMINATE_SESSION",
                    "slo": {
                        "appSelectionMode": "ALL",
                        "appInstanceIds": null

Terminate_Session failureActions object

This failureActions object defines the options for the TERMINATE_SESSION action:

Property Description Data Type Required Default
action The action to take when Continuous Access evaluation detects a failure. "TERMINATE_SESSION" Yes No
slo.appSelectionMode This property defines the session to terminate: everyone, no one, or a specific app instance. This property must have a value. "SPECIFIC", "NONE", or "ALL" Yes No
slo.appInstanceIds This property defines the app instance access to terminate. Only include this property when slo.appSelectionMode is set to "SPECIFIC". Array of IDs No No

Continuous Access evaluation actions terminate sessions example

"actions": {
    "continuousAccess": {
      "failureActions": [
        { "action": "TERMINATE_SESSION",
          "slo": {
            "appSelectionMode": "SPECIFIC",
            "appInstanceIds": ["0oav0y4zt6hd2PSBP0h7"]} } ]